Career How I Paid Off $200,000 of Debt—And Still Managed to Go to Greece You know those semi-embarrassing, self-adhesive name tags we wear from time to time? If I was wearing one…
Career 28 Desk Essentials That Scream “Office Cool Girl” The way I see it, you have two options when it comes to desk decor. You can create a gorgeous, functional…
Career Prices Are on the Rise… Again, But These Hacks Can Help Save You $$$ Saving for a rainy day, contributing to a retirement portfolio, and investing used to be the only…
Career 9 Habits Successful Women Practice When They Start a New Job No matter how skilled you are or how long you’ve been in the game, starting a new job can be scary. You want…
Career This Productivity Method Put My To-Do List to Shame My notes app is overflowing with a to-do list for every scenario—I have one for the month, the week, the…
Career The Productivity Strategy You Should Try, Based on Your Zodiac Sign We look to the stars for everything from guidance on our love lives to our finances and even finding the…
Career March 2025 Tech Backgrounds: Free, Downloadable Wallpapers! I don’t care what that damn groundhog predicts—the arrival of March means it’s officially spring in my book.…
Career The One Thing You Should Negotiate With Every Single Job Offer With almost a decade of professional experience, I’ve been through it all. I’ve quit, been furloughed,…
Career Are “Sneaky Fridays” The Reason So Many Are Being Forced Back Into The Office? If you haven’t played hooky, have you truly lived? In high school, skipping school for a beach day with…
Career The Best Presidents Day Sales to Shop This Weekend By this time of year, I am positively itching to get out the patio furniture and pack my sweaters into…